Mongar Projects

Promoting Integrated Bamboo Based Enterprise Development

To promote bamboo based enterprises for income generation and employment opportunities.

  • Duration : July 2017 to March 2021
  • Funded By : SAARC Development Fund (SDF)

Strengthening Community-based Structure To Address Under Five Nutrition

To improve the nutritional status of children under five through active engagement of existing community based structure and local organization.

  • Duration : 2019-2022
  • Funded By : Asian Development Bank (ADB) through the Ministry of Health

Collaboration Regarding Promotion Of Homestead Nutrition Garden And Expansion Of Lead Farmers Model In The Program Sites

Improving the rural livelihood through provision of quality and timely delivery of extension services.

  • Duration : August 2021- May 2022
  • Funded By : CARLEP-IFAD

Ensuring Mindful Approaches To Healthy Lifestyle And Wellbeing Of Youth

Contribute towards lifting of non communicable diseases from negligence of public health.

  • Duration : May 2021- February 2022
  • Funded By : AstraZeneca Young Health Programme (YHP)

Improved Houses


Green Technologies


School Clubs


Total Beneficiaries


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