Lhuentse projects

Nutrition & Health Advocacy To Help Rural And Vulnerable Population Groups Eat & Stay Healthy During The COVID-19 Pandemic & Beyond

The overall objective is to promote health and nutrition as a defense mechanism/preventive measure to strengthen immunity at a community level.

  • Duration : 2021-2022
  • Funded By : World Food Programme

Enabling Sustainable Livelihoods Through Safe Drinking Water And Sanitation

To provide access to safe drinking water and better sanitation. To build community capacity in water source management and plumbing and masonry through constriction of required facilities. Enhanced knowledge on health and sanitation.

  • Duration : April – December 2021
  • Funded By : Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, India

Collaboration Regarding Promotion Of Homestead Nutrition Garden And Expansion Of Lead Farmers Model In The Program Sites

Improving the rural livelihood through provision of quality and timely delivery of extension services.

  • Duration : August 2021- May 2022
  • Funded By : CARLEP-IFAD

Ensuring Mindful Approaches To Healthy Lifestyle And Wellbeing Of Youth

Contribute towards lifting of non communicable diseases from negligence of public health.

  • Duration : May 2021- February 2022
  • Funded By : AstraZeneca Young Health Programme (YHP)

Improved Houses


Green Technologies


School Clubs


Total Beneficiaries


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